Invest With Intelligence

Invest with Barrett Capital, powered by our Global AI® Allocation Intelligence platform –  quantitative investment solutions for the next generation of global investors.


Why Work With Barrett Capital

Barrett Capital Management, LLC is a quantitative investment firm providing data-driven investment strategies that seek to identify and exploit investment opportunities across a variety of asset classes and global markets.

We are a technology driven business. We are active investment managers enhancing time-tested investment principles through the use of technology including artificial intelligence and machine learning.  Our proprietary quantitative models and discipline keep our investment decisions unbiased, objective, and unemotional.

Part of what sets us apart is our proprietary Global AI® Allocation Intelligence platform that we built to provide our clients with liquid, risk-managed investment solutions to help them reach their investment goals.

How We Work
With Individuals

How We Work
With Institutions


In The Press


Find out more about Barrett Capital Management, LLC and our approach to data-driven investing.